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Arbroath Academy

Pupil Equity

Who can apply?

Entitlement to free school meals for older children, as well as the school clothing grant, is assessed as part of the application for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction.

Parents/Carers can apply for a school clothing grant or free school meals if you claim any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit and where your income is less than £17,005
  • Working Tax Credit, and where your income is less than £17,005 (this only applies to the clothing grant)
  • Support provided under Part VI the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit where the monthly earned income does not exceed £660
  • Pupils who receive any of these benefits in their own right can also claim free school meals

Your child is also entitled to free school lunches if you receive both maximum Child Tax Credit and maximum Working Tax Credit and your income is under £7920.

How to apply

Click on the link below:

Apply for Free School Meals/School Clothing Grant

School meal allowances

Secondary school pupils will have an allowance of £2.20 per day and if the school operates a swipe card system their entitlement can also be used during the morning break.

This amount will be credited to the pupil's cashless catering account on a daily basis and any unused credit will be removed from the pupil's account at the end of the day.

The clothing grant

In 2022-23 the amount of school clothing grant for eligible primary school pupils is £120 for each child and for eligible secondary school pupils it is £150 for each child.  You can only apply once in any financial year (1 April to 31 March).

Young people who are 16 years old by 30 September won’t get a grant, but they can apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance instead.  Please see below for more information.



An Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a weekly payment of £30 awarded to young people from lower income families who are between 16 and 19 years of age, and are:

  • staying on at school or home education, or
  • following a 16+ Activity Agreement

An EMA may also be available to part-time college students attending a non-advanced college course.

Do you qualify?

EMAs are awarded according to the level of household income:

  • for income up to £24,421 (with one dependent child in the household)
  • for income up to £26,884 (with two or more dependent children in the household)

To find out if you qualify visit

When you'll be paid

If you are eligible from the Autumn intake and apply by 30 September, you will be paid from the start of term.  Alternatively, if you are eligible from the winter intake, and apply before the last day in February, you will be paid from the start of the January term.

How to apply

Click on the link below:

Apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance


Arbroath Academy Community Hub




Financial Support During the Cost of Living Crisis


Please see the Scottish Government's help during the cost of living crisis page for more information.


ILF Scotland Transition Fund

ilf scotland transition fund leaflet 19082022.pdf

